The truth about raw milk
Jul 19, 2021
First of all, it should be noted that this article is not intended to convince you to drink raw milk. I do not work for a producer of raw milk. I don't make money promoting raw milk. I have nothing to gain if you choose to drink raw milk, and nothing to lose if you choose not to.
Next, are dairy products mandatory?
Absolutely not. The consumption of dairy products represents a short period of our evolutionary history and we have thrived without them. No one suffers from “dairy deficiency”.
Having said that, I believe dairy products can be beneficial when they are well tolerated. Several epidemiological studies have established a link between the consumption of dairy products (especially fatty dairy products) and the positive effects on health . We also know that dairy products are one of the best sources of protein and calcium and also contain other healthy nutrients like fat soluble vitamins and CLA which can be difficult to obtain elsewhere in a diet without dairy. .
Fermented dairy products such as yogurt and kefir can be particularly beneficial, especially for people with bowel problems.
Finally, we don't just eat for good health. We also eat for pleasure. Dairy products are one of the most popular food categories in the world, enjoyed by people of all ages, ethnicities and walks of life.
While there are risks involved in consuming raw milk, many seem to be pushing this practice with promises of many health benefits. There are many reasons why we may prefer raw milk to pasteurized milk, whether for nutritional, ethical or environmental aspects. So what are these advantages? Is raw milk really superior to pasteurized milk?
1. The benefits of raw milk
The nutritional aspect
Much of the raw milk comes from cows that feed on grass in the pastures. Some studies suggest that the milk from these cows probably contains more fat-soluble vitamins and other nutrients. Grass-fed (especially pasture) cows have been shown to have higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and essential fatty acids in their milk . Cows are natural herbivores and are healthier when eating grass, rather than the refined grains provided on contained dairy farms.
The pasteurization process also reduces the nutritional quality of the milk. Research has shown a decrease in manganese, copper and iron after heat treatment . It is recognized that pasteurization destroys a substantial part of vitamin C, and that sterilization is also known to significantly alter the bioactivity of vitamin B6 contained in milk.
Beta-lactoglobulin, a heat-sensitive milk protein that is part of the albumen family, is destroyed by pasteurization. This protein increases the intestinal absorption of vitamin A, so the extra vitamin A in pasteurized milk may be more difficult to absorb .
Although pasteurized milk retains some of its nutritional values, it appears that unpasteurized milk has a higher overall vitamin and mineral content.
Tolerance to raw milk
A number of people experience digestive issues (or other types of issues) when consuming pasteurized milk, but have no issues with raw milk. It is difficult to give a clear reason for this phenomenon. There are currently no studies showing us that unpasteurized milk has a probiotic effect or other characteristics that can explain this phenomenon.
Yet anecdotally, there are many examples of people who suffer from lactose intolerance and other symptoms associated with the consumption of pasteurized dairy products and who have no problem with raw milk. It is possible that this is a placebo effect although we are not able to explain it, at the moment. If this is your case, do not deprive yourself!
It is important to note, however, that the results of a study from Stanford University to determine whether raw milk actually reduced the incidence of lactose intolerance did not support the claims of fans of raw milk . Unfortunately, raw milk has failed to reduce symptoms of lactose malabsorption or lactose intolerance compared to pasteurized milk in adults with lactose malabsorption syndrome.
A large cross-sectional study demonstrated a significant inverse association between consumption of "farm milk" and childhood asthma, rhino conjunctivitis, sensitization to pollen and other allergens .
Indeed, research shows that the consumption of raw milk in children would reduce allergic phenomena. While we must always remember that correlation is not causation, the findings were consistent for all children, whether farmed or not, indicating that the consumption of farm milk may have an independent effect on the development of allergies.
This protective effect may be related to the hygienic hypothesis , that low dose exposure to a variety of commensal bacteria could help regulate immune responses outside the gut. Another hypothesis could be that the higher content of omega-3 fatty acids in dairy products from grass-fed cows, especially in fatty dairy products, could help reduce the risk of atopy in children . However, more research is needed to establish a link between consumption of raw milk and the reduction of allergies in children.
Interestingly, some research suggests that unpasteurized milk contains antimicrobial components not found in pasteurized milk [ Ref 1 , Ref 2 , Ref 3 , Ref 4 ]. These studies have shown that pathogens grow more slowly or die faster when added to raw milk than when added to pasteurized milk. PLEASE NOTE: this does not mean that raw milk cannot be contaminated, that it naturally kills bacteria or that hygiene rules can be sloppy!
The environment, ethics and the community aspect
Many people choose to consume raw milk simply for the taste, which they characterize as superior to industrial pasteurized milk. This may not be a sufficient reason to choose raw milk, but many consumers also give the following reasons:
The community aspect:
Raw milk is generally produced by local farms, consumers are sometimes in direct contact with producers, which promotes local trade and fair prices. Consumers are reconnected with their food supply and farmers are held accountable for the good quality of their products, which helps stimulate the local economy and promote sustainable farming practices.
The environment :
Consuming milk produced by local farmers who use sustainable methods has much less impact on the environment than drinking milk produced by the dairy industry with intensive systems. Today's dairy farms are extremely destructive to the environment. Air and water pollution by dust and manure from feedlots (feedlots for livestock), as well as fertilizers and pesticides used in grain production, are harmful to the environment and to human health. health of farmers, farm workers and residents living nearby. Slurry runoff in the water can destroy surrounding aquatic life, but also contaminate drinking water with nitrates, harmful microorganisms, antibiotics and hormones.
Raising dairy cows on well-managed pastures reduces soil erosion, increases soil fertility and improves water quality due to reduced pollution. Cows grazing on these pastures reduce the energy required for growing grain or mowing, baling and moving hay, thus requiring reduced fuel consumption. Small self-sufficient (or energy-positive) dairy farms that produce raw milk are much more environmentally friendly than large dairy farms.
For those of us who care about the way animals are treated, it's easy to understand how animals that come from small farms and spend their days grazing green grass in the open are much better. conditions than those living on overcrowded factory farms.
Stressful living conditions in small, confined spaces, as well as an unnatural diet of corn, soybeans and other grains, lead to many diseases and a much higher death rate than cows raised on pasture. Not to mention the large amount of antibiotics used and questionable breeding practices.
Unfortunately, there are far too many videos available showing the inhumane treatment of cows from conventional dairy farms. By purchasing your milk from nearby small farms, you can ensure that the animals are treated properly.
It is therefore easy to understand why the consumption of raw milk has increased significantly over the past 10 years. Only one of the reasons given above might be enough to make the decision to consume unpasteurized dairy products. That said, this practice can be risky and this is the number one reason people don't and our milk is usually pasteurized. So what are these risks? And most importantly: Are the potential risks of raw milk outweighed by its benefits?
2. The dangers of raw milk
Foodborne illness
Foodborne illness (also known as food poisoning or food poisoning) occurs when a person becomes ill from eating food contaminated with a harmful microorganism. These microorganisms can be bacteria, parasites or viruses. Most people have at one time or another been infected with what is commonly called food poisoning. Symptoms can range from mild to very severe and usually include: stomach cramps, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fever or headache.
In most cases, the symptoms don't last very long and people don't even realize they've had food poisoning because it can look like the flu.
However, foodborne illnesses can be very serious and even fatal. Some people are more likely than others to get seriously ill, including: infants, toddlers, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems. In some cases, foodborne illness can cause chronic problems such as kidney damage, arthritis or heart problems.
Regarding milk, here are the most common bacteria responsible for food poisoning: Campylobacter jejuni, E.coli, Listeria, Salmonella, Bacillus cereus and staphylococcal enterotoxins (via Staphylococcus aureus). The main ones are Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus.
Figures in France
In 2017, 1,310 collective foodborne illnesses (TIAC) ​​were declared in France, affecting 13,010 people, of whom 646 (5%) presented to hospital (hospitalization or emergency room) and 6 (0.05 %) are deceased. The most frequently confirmed pathogen was Salmonella for 30% of the TIACs for which an agent was confirmed. The most commonly suspected pathogens, based on epidemiological and clinical information, were Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens and Bacillus cereus. (Ref: [ Epidemiological data 2017 ])
It should also be noted that among the 1,310 TIACs declared in 2017, 349 (27%) occurred within the framework of family meals, 562 (43%) in commercial catering and 392 (30%) in collective catering (companies, canteens schools, banquets, medico-social institutes (IMS)).
Knowing that raw milk is only available in a “family” context, what does it represent in terms of TIAC in France? Dairy products were involved in only 28 cases in 2017, or 3% of the TIACs declared in 2017.
Most of the cases were derived from foods made up of various ingredients or were ready-made meals (examples: mixed salads, pizzas, sandwiches, etc. buffet ...) not allowing to suspect a particular category of food.
You therefore have very little chance of getting sick and requiring hospitalization if you consume dairy products (all combined) and a 0.00000075% chance of dying from them.
The risk compared to the rest?
If we base ourselves on the American figures and according to the report of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) of 2018 , we can observe that:
- Seafood caused 29 times more disease than dairy
- Poultry caused 15 times more disease than dairy
- Eggs caused 13 times more disease than dairy
- Beef caused 11 times more disease than dairy
- Pork caused 8 times more disease than dairy
This graph clearly shows that when it comes to foodborne illness, dairy should be your last concern.
4. Is it worth it?
To come up
5. Where can I find raw milk?
To come up
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